
SiVim is a branch of the popular variation of Vim, Neovim. It turns Neovim into an IDE, similarly to Lunar Vim, or NvChad. SiVim simplifies configuration for those who do not know Lua, or feel no need to do so. It also provides a "ready out-of-the-box" experience, similar to the afforementioned NvChad, and Lunar Vim.


SiVim's main "hook" is that it's written exclusively in Vim-Script. The reason for this is so users can tinker with simple syntax, without having to learn Lua, or navigate through unnecessarily long filetrees. By default, SiVim ships with roughly twelve plugins, and three themes that offer complete, but baseline functionality. Plugins can be added, or removed depending on the user through plugins.vim. This file exists under /.config/nvim/vim-plug, and each plugin is categorized for readability.

Future Plans

The current plans for SiVim are to complete the website you're currently viewing. It is very much under construction, but will be completely finished in roughly a couple of weeks. There are numerous things to be added, but tasks on the front burner consist of fully flushing out the layout, and writing.

Website was partially inspired by